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Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Fr Bosco Peters presided and preached at the 10am Mass. The sermon focused on the theme of darkness. The Gospel reading was taken from Matthew 11:2-11.

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Download a copy of the poster with the details for this year's Christmas services here.

Fr Bosco Peters presided and preached at the 10am Mass. The sermon focused on John the Baptist, with the Gospel reading taken from Matthew 3:1–12.

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.

Last Sunday, the Wardens were thrilled to be able to announce the appointment of Fr Jordan Greatbatch to Saint Michael and All Angels. The following is a letter from Fr Jordan, telling us a little more about himself.

Kia ora koutou,

Grace and peace to you from God.

Greetings to you all in th...

Download this week's pew sheet here.

This Sunday, we began the new Church year. Fr Bosco Peters presided and preached at the 10am Mass. In his sermon, he especially focused on the reading from Isaiah (Isaiah 2:1-5).

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.