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Fr Peter Beck presided and preached for our celebration of Pentecost. Our readings were taken from Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-11, and John 14:8-17, 25-27.

Read on for the sermon and a video of the service.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Mother Meg Harvery presided and Fr Peter Beck preached on the Gospel reading from John 14:23–29.

Read on for sermon text and the service video, including the commissioning of the new vestry.

Fr Peter Beck presided and preached. The Gospel reading was John 13:31-35.

Read on for the service video and sermon text.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

We were glad to welcome Bishop Tom Brown to celebrate the mass on the 31st anniversary of his consecration. Mother Meg Harvey gave a sermon from Acts 21:1-19 and John 10:22-30.

Read on for the sermon text.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Fr Peter Beck presided and preached. The Gospel reading was John 21.1-19.

Read on for sermon text and the service video.

During the service, it was announced that Mother Meg Harvey will be taking up the role of Vicar of Amberley from the first of August. We will be very sorry to see her go and will hold her future ministry in our prayers.

Download this week's pew sheet here.

Fr Peter Beck presided and preached. The Gospel reading was John 20:19-31.

Read on for sermon text and the service video.